MCU – Manual control unit
Block SymbolLicensing group: STANDARD
Function Description
The MCU block is suitable for manual setting of the numerical output value y, e.g. a setpoint. In the
local mode (LOC=on)
the value is set using the buttons UP and DN. The rate of increasing/decreasing of the output y
from the initial value y0 is determined by the integration time constant tm and pushing time of
the buttons. After elapsing ta seconds while a button is pushed, the rate is always multiplied
by the factor q until the time tf is elapsed. Optionally, the output y range can be constrained
by saturation limits lolim and hilim. If none of the buttons is pushed
(UP=off and
DN=off), the
output y tracks the input value tv. The tracking speed is controlled by the integration time
constant tt.
In the remote mode (LOC=off), the input rv is optionally saturated (SATF=on) and copied to the output y. The detailed function of the block is depicted in the following diagram.
tv | Tracking variable | Double (F64) |
UP | The "up" signal | Bool |
DN | The "down" signal | Bool |
rv | Remote output value in the mode LOC=off | Double (F64) |
LOC | Local or remote mode | Bool |
y | Analog output of the block | Double (F64) |
tt | Tracking time constant of the input tv ⊙1.0 | Double (F64) |
tm | Initial value of integration time constant ⊙100.0 | Double (F64) |
y0 | Initial output value | Double (F64) |
q | Multiplication quotient ⊙5.0 | Double (F64) |
ta | Interval after which the rate is changed [s] ⊙4.0 | Double (F64) |
tf | Interval after which the rate changes no more [s] ⊙8.0 | Double (F64) |
SATF | Saturation flag | Bool |
hilim | Upper limit of the output signal ⊙1.0 | Double (F64) |
lolim | Lower limit of the output signal ⊙-1.0 | Double (F64) |
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