GotoTagVisibility – Visibility of the signal source

Block SymbolLicensing group: STANDARD

Function Description
The GotoTagVisibility blocks specify the visibility of the Goto blocks with scoped visibility. The symbol (tag) defined in the Goto block by the GotoTag parameter is available for all From blocks in the subsystem which contains the appropriate GotoTagVisibility block and also in all subsystems below in the hierarchy.

The GotoTagVisibility block is required only for Goto blocks whose TagVisibility parameter is set to scoped. There is no need for the GotoTagVisibility block for local or global visibility.

The GotoTagVisibility block is used only during project compilation by the REXYGEN Compiler compiler. It is not included in the binary configuration file for real-time execution.



Reference to a Goto block with the GotoTag parameter, whose visibility is defined by the position of this block (GotoTagVisibility)


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